So I now turn the clock to my 43rd year
This year is going to be an interesting one to say the least, my 25 year year now complete in security is something I look back proudly on and I whilst I have a lot to offer the industry and remain very passionate I now want to greatly enhance and focus other passions that will become known soon.
I have been truly blessed with the experiences I have had over the years, working with, for and in collaboration with some of the best people, this will continue, but I never take this for granted.
As I proceed through 2018, there will be some exciting new projects that will become public knowledge soon enough and some interesting twists in my career, this year and going forward is going to even more than ever about doing the things I love, the things that I believe I have a lot to offer also, this year I want to inspire, motivate and make things possible for others also.
I will keep you up to date and hopefully some of my plans include you.
43 feels great so far!